更新情報・お知らせ(What's new!)
- 2023/09/27
- 2023年熱工学部会セミナーの案内を更新しました. NEW
- 2023/08/28
- 第10回三重コロキウム(2023)の案内を更新しました.
- 2023/06/04
- 部会長挨拶を更新しました.
- 2023/06/04
- 熱工学部会ホームページをリニューアルしました.
- 2023/06/04
- 過去の熱工学部会ホームページはこちら
- マイクロおよびバイオテクノロジーへの伝熱現象や輸送現象の展開(新学問分野)
- 熱工学体系の維持と他の部会との連携(応用分野)
- 熱工学分野における化学工学の窓口として,国際交流に貢献
- 各種企画の実施(講演・講習会,出版,学会誌・論文集特集など)
部会活動の内容(Activity) 英語表記(English version)
Chemical engineering is interpreted as engineering in which new processes are developed and designed using physical, chemical, and biological changes of state, in the words of Professor Daizo Kunii, who is a pioneer in thermal engineering.
In various processes using these state changes, there is inevitably a stage where heat (difference in temperature) is used, and the prediction of the transfer conditions of thermal energy is often key to success in the development of the process.
Thermal engineering has played a role with respect to “heat transfer operation.” It seems that the role itself will not change drastically even though the times change, but evolution in responding to the needs of the times is indispensable today, when the social structure is rapidly changing.
The SCEJ has introduced a new chemical engineering system that is composed of 13 Divisions related to basic technology and development technology for the purpose of the promotion of chemical engineering research in the future (Vision 2011). Especially in the Divisions of basic technology, not only a deepening of research is required, but also the establishment of an academic system and its application to the educational system.
As for thermal engineering, the Division is operated with consideration of the following two points:
- Maintenance of the thermal engineering system (development of thermal process applications).
One of the problems in thermal engineering is that the content is subdivided and is being refined at present, while at the same time expanding in its applications. As in other societies, it is recognized that thermal engineering is fundamental to engineering technology. Especially in the chemical engineering field, it is important to be aware of environmental/energy problems and to cooperate with other divisions in maintaining the system of thermal engineering (fields such as combustion, plasma, heat transfer, heat exchange, various energy systems, and others), which is useful in the development and design of each process. - Development of a new field (fundamental research into heat transfer phenomena)
The development of a new field is required in order not only to maintain the system of thermal engineering but also to make it more attractive. In recent years, the research of new transport phenomena, including heat transfer in micro/nano fields by microtechnology/nanotechnology, has been proceeding. Furthermore, thanks to the development of cryopreservation of food and tissue engineering, thermal engineering has started to be developed in the field of biology. As the method of approach differs from the traditional one in these fields, the research is extremely difficult sometimes, but the development of new governing principles is expected.
We hope that the blending of the theoretical and the applied is promoted, innovative technologies are produced from the new principles, and, conversely, new principles are derived from the technologies.
In this context, it may be desirable that Division of Thermal Engineering belong not to a developmental technology field but to a basic technology field like chemical engineering and that it closely cooperate with the Divisions of Energy and Fluid & Particle Processing, which are the divisions related to thermal engineering. Therefore, the following targets are set in order to promote the activities of the division:
- Development of heat transfer phenomena and transport phenomena in microtechnology and biotechnology (new academic area).
- Maintenance of the thermal engineering system and cooperation with other divisions (application field).
- Contributions to exchange across boundaries to create a window between chemical engineering and thermal engineering.
- Implementation of various projects (lectures/short courses, publishing, features in academic journals/collected papers, and other activities).
We are seeking many members, and we aim to support your research and technology development as a place for free and active exchange. If you want to participate in the Division or are interested in the Division, please contact us.